Singe Main - Title

Singe Main - White Dragon

Daily News - December 11, 1998

Some may have noticed that the Singe Clan web site has returned. All the site content was still online, but just tucked away. Since my good pal ReaperX hasn't deleted the site's directory yet, despite the fact that I do not pay him his hardly earned money anymore, I decided to put the site back online so visitors will have something to browse through; maybe even get a chuckle here and again. The site will go down when Reap does his hard drive Spring cleaning. When that will happen, I do not know.... Until then....

Take care, and remember... play hard, play fair, play nekkid!!!

- Ghidra [SC]

November 1, 1998

Time for Singe to embark on a 'Permanent Vacation.' I will speak for my clan when I say "It's been fun and we do appreciate the Quakers we have had the privilege to frag with." This last year was pretty wild!

- Ghidra

Singe Main - Clan Logo

All content on the Singe Clan web site copyright Chad Johnson

Content stolen from this web site will enforce
the thief's theory that he/she is quite unoriginal and desperate.

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