Deep Pockets, Deep State

The text "Facebook Sucks" with a thumbs-down graphic. [Formatted]

Facebook sucks. Twitter sucks. Google sucks. Apple sucks.

China sucks.

Censorship REALLY sucks!

There is actually maximum suckage going on in each of these places, and they have much more in common with one another than just censorship. To make any sort of contrariwise claim that Big Tech isn’t nice and cozy with China is just silly. When you hurt China, you hurt Big Tech, and vice versa.

For these reasons and others, I will continue to outwardly support any person or persons who are working to prohibit censorship and remedy such prolific suckage!

(NOTE: Wanting to decrease the amount of censorship and suckage in the world does not make me a racist.)

Become a Modulated Social Slave

Iconspiracy icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 04 from The Wake LP by Voivod icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

In the desert of unknown tales are gold temples of a warrior race
From a secret vault of holy power is a magnified field-blasting tower

Psychotronic weapons are being used on you!
All of you!

You’ll never notice the effects of the waves, but soon enough it will leech into your brain
These frequencies will make you fit within a frame and become a modulated social slave

Aim for masses
Inner access

Deep inside an obscure tunnel, circling around an underground channel, is a Machiavellian accelerator
All controlled by the Lords of Terror

Psychotronic weapons are daily used on you!
Yes it’s true!

Interactions in your dreams while you sleep
Read information of your feelings and your needs
Tattoos of guides then you follow a rap sheet
You’ll never know for all of your life, eternally

Aim for masses
Inner access

Why such a coincidence?
No evidence, nor signs of a crime

Of course no one survived
Witness suicides
All proof is denied

An iconspiracy
Why can’t you see?
I’m blind but I foresee why

Everything is rigged from within
You will never win
You don’t decide

Another act of God triggered by satellite
Instant starvation and the world to divide
A new imposter got elected overnight, but the psychotron keeps us focused on our lives

Aim for masses
Inner access

Lessons in Humor, Entry 1: Wonton Chips & Salsa

Mural of a Chinese landscape populated with panda bears, but sombreros and tacos have been painted over parts of the pandas. [Formatted]

Is this funny?
How can you even ask such a question? It is fuckin’ hilarious!

Isn’t this cultural insensitive?
Yes, the cultural insensitivity here is off the charts.

If it’s so culturally insensitive then why is it okay to laugh?
Because of the inherent absurdity of it all. A great many restaurants in America serving ethnic food—or some facsimile of it—are culturally insensitive simply by existing. (Taco Bell, anyone? “Live Mas” and “Make a Run for the Border”!) Something like this exposes how silly all of us really are, and should also call into question the recent rise in popularity of righteous indignation.

I like being righteously indignant; it makes me feel important. Instead of laughing, shouldn’t I fly off the handle and punish the world for this mural’s existence?
If shaking your head while laughing is not enough then by all means… knock yourself out. Just don’t expect reasonable people to pay you much mind.

Tears Have Filled My Bong

Check My Brain icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 02 from the Black Gives Way to Blue LP by Alice in Chains icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Alice in Chains' "Black Gives Way to Blue" album cover. [Formatted]

So I found myself in the sun
It’s a hell of a place to end a run

California, I’m fine
Somebody check my brain
California is all right
Somebody check my brain

Check my brain

I walk these streets, I creep and I fall
And when she sang, I answered the call

California, I’m fine
Somebody check my brain
California is all right
Somebody check my brain

Tears have filled my bong
Years expended—gone

I hung my guns and put em away
A trick of the trade, and by the way

California, I’m fine
Somebody check my brain
California is all right
Somebody check my brain

Tears have filled my bong
Years expended—gone

Check my brain