Pinpointing Purchase-Power

One of the biggest problems that exists in the world right now (in the technology industry, at least) is that Google and other advertisement-driven companies sometimes can’t stop soliciting a service or product after it has already been purchased by a member of the target demographic.

The person or company that finds a reasonable solution to this problem is going to make a disgusting amount of money.

Game Developer Confessions, Part 01: Cultivated Workflow


My primary workstation is an AMD64 3400+ processor with 4GB of RAM running Fedora 20 and XFCE. Its name is Kraid.

My secondary computer is a Mac Mini with an Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz processor and 4GB of RAM. This system is much faster than my primary workstation. Its name is Phantoon.

My tertiary computer is a Dell Latitude laptop with an AMD64 X2 Turion 2GHz processor and 4GB RAM running a dual boot of Fedora 23 and Windows 7. Its name is Ridley.

My quaternary computer is an HTC Desire 610 running Android 4.4.2. Its name is Chad’s Dumb Phone.

My quinary computer is an AMD XP 2800+ processor with 2GB of RAM and an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro running Windows XP. This is my gaming rig and I get 90+ FPS in Return to Zork. Its name is Kraid-Old.

I have two Synology DS115j NAS devices with 4TB hard drives. One is named Draygon and it synchronizes data to the other which is named Botwoon.

I have a Brother MFC-8910DW copy/print/fax machine. I don’t believe it has a name. People just call it Brother.

Somewhere in this mess was a device named Crocomire, but I can’t for the life of me remember what.

I have the following consoles at my desk: Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, GameCube, PlayStation 2, 3DS and Wii U. The N64, GameCube and Wii U are the Japanese versions. With this setup, I can also play games that were released for the PlayStation, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, and Wii.

I only get to play video games when I’m studying Japanese, which right now is not very often. As expected, the games end up being much less fun because of this, but eventually that will change big time.

My network was necessarily entitled Zebes.

And if the above doesn’t make much sense, here’s a layman’s summary:

  • I use many different types of computer systems on a daily basis (Linux, Mac, Windows, Android)
  • The newest personal computer I own is almost seven years old while the oldest is about 12 years old
  • Comprehensive data backup is very important
  • I have a lot of video games yet rarely play them
  • Super Metroid icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12, a well respected video game, has imaginative monikers for its characters and environments

You Can’t Put Autocorrect Everywhere (Or Can You?)

I very much dislike it when computers attempt to correct what I type. Sometimes it can be handy, but other times it can be infuriating. Texting on a cell phone is of course the best example of this: almost every single text message is altered by the phone’s computer software in one form or another. This is something that I only recently noticed: I had disabled texting on my phone in the past because I didn’t want to give certain people yet another way to selectively communicate with me (and further empower these same people to get away with the obnoxious behavior towards myself and others that comes along with such selective and one-sided discourse). Eventually I relented, but only because you can’t be part of a baseball team in the present day and not use text messaging.

The experience so far hasn’t been too bad. I completely ignore people who really should be calling or visiting me and instead use text messaging almost exclusively for work- and baseball-related activities. What really drives me up the wall, however, is that every time I type in a word that could potentially be deemed offensive, my phone changes it to something different. “Shit” is changed to “shot”, “hell” is changed to “he’ll”, and even “fart” is changed to “cart”. Needless to say, I shut this feature off as soon as I was able to dig up the associated setting on my phone.

But autocorrect isn’t always so bad to have around, and some people clearly need it more than others. An unfiltered Google search for “comptuer”, a common misspelling that typically occurs from typing too fast on a keyboard, yields the following results:


Interestingly, the first entry is from LinkedIn for the Top 15 Comptuer Programmer profiles icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12. Apparently this spelling error occurs frequently enough that the site automatically generates a separate category for a special group of programming professionals who are very impatient typists:


This misspelling is so common, in fact, that some asshole in the Cayman Islands icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 thinks that he’s going to get $15,000 for the domain name COMPTUER.COM:


The sad thing about all this is that we wouldn’t have most of these problems if people learned to spell, didn’t get so bent out of shape over strong or vulgar language, and were more considerate and earnest when communicating with others. Is autocorrect going to help us with these problems and eventually save us from ourselves? Only time will tell….

On a related note, ICANN icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 really sucks.

Antiphony, Entry 1: Free Lottery Tickets

I’m not sure if this still works here since I am using ChadPress instead of Facebook, but I guess it can’t hurt to try.  Also, I have included some of my responses in the event that it increases my chances of winning.

THANK YOU, MARK ZUCKERBERG [who?], for your forward-thinking generosity! [What did he do?] And congrats on becoming a dad! [Huh?!]

Mark Zuckerberg [oh right... the Grand Poobah of privacy and productivity erosion] has announced that he is giving away $45 billion [with a "B"?] of Facebook stock. [Hhmmmm... sounds a little fishy to me.] What you may not have heard [no I haven't, must you go on?] is that he plans to give 10% of it away to people like YOU and ME! [Really..? What a dumbass!] All you have to do is copy and paste this message into a post IMMEDIATELY and tag 5-10 of your friends. [Or irritated acquaintances that don't really like you.] At midnight PST, Facebook will search through the day’s posts and award 1000 people with $4.5 million EACH [that's really a lot of money] as a way of saying thank you for making Facebook such a powerful vehicle for connection and philanthropy [and watered down relationships].

I hope someone I know gets a piece of the pie [blueberry or apple?] — let me know if you do!!! [Yeah right, asshole!]

In case you’re wondering what this is about, you can read about it at The Washington Post and many other fine news agencies (that apparently have nothing better to report).