The Curse of Beauty

“The more you have had, the greater your difficulties will be without. Fortunately, there are many different forms, and some varieties are more permanent than others.

“Conventional understanding is that immediacy is typically polarized by permanence. The good news is that anyone can put on a wig and apply makeup.”

— Discarded entry in the ongoing saga of Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12

Greeting Card Refinements

The next time somebody special in your life celebrates a birthday, graduation, promotion, or similar important life event, please consider giving him or her a greeting card from SappyCards .


Merry Aloofness

I spent about an hour searching the Internet for a Christmas-related graphic or card that might serve as a fair approximation for how I feel about this time of year. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really find anything that did the job. I did, however, stumble across this little gem:
