“Tough On Grease, Yet Gentle”

Dawn Dish Soap Cleaning Oil Spills icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (posted by Dawn Dish Soap icon-external-link-12x12 )

Maybe I’m reading into it the wrong way, but this video somehow seems to suggest that all we have to do to clean up our beaches after an oil spill is pour a shit-ton of Dawn dish soap all over the place.

There’s just no way this ad could have been run in 2010 during Deepwater Horizon icon-external-link-12x12, or even in 2011 or 2012. But 2016? For some reason six years is enough time in America for a soap company to invite people to clean away their unpleasant memories of environmental catastrophe through the purchasing of its products.

2017/03/15 Update: Looks like Dawn removed the original video, but left other promotional material using the same or similar footage with much less opportunistic language.

ChadSpace… the Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Only a small handful of people have ever openly talked to me about this peculiar little website of mine. Interestingly (and perhaps unsurprisingly) these limited few do not include most of my friends and family members. Once in a blue moon a fun conversation comes about that wouldn’t have happened otherwise, but most of the time ChadSpace is resigned to being a transparent elephant in the room—and if it’s not there already, someday it will be. I suppose this is natural though: we have so many of these invisible beasts following us around in our day-to-day lives anyway… what’s one more?

I have gotten a few gifts IRL from people who quietly peruse the site and were brave enough to admit their enthusiasm for it, such as this box of Malt-O-Meal and package of Pilot 0.38mm black-ink pens!


This made me wonder: what kinds of gifts might I be able to generate through ChadSpace that would never exist otherwise? So I figured it was only natural for me to compile a list of some of the things that should be gifted or transacted to me in the coming days/weeks/months/years:

  • Smilebit brand + related IP and development assets
  • Controlling interest in Sega Games Co., Ltd.
  • Minority interest in Rare
  • Looney Tunes
  • Ogre Battle IP and development assets
  • Jackson/Charvel Guitars
  • Randall Amplification
  • Shadowrun IP
  • Thin Lizzy master recordings
  • Legacy of Kain IP and development assets

I would have listed more, but I don’t want to come across as seeming unreasonable. I figure that this will serve as a good starting point though, as there is still quite a bit of work left to do.

Word of the Day, Entry 1: Gaslighting

A benefit of growing one’s vocabulary is that words are sometimes discovered which identify esoteric feelings and experiences. Here’s an interesting one:

Gaslighting icon-external-link-12x12 or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

My most expensive life lesson will forever be about narcissistic Peruvian mafia princesses who like baseball and how they are experts at this deleterious form of personal treatment. I learned that some people simply get a charge out of discovering and then enacting whatever it takes to crack another person open.

The Age of Machines is Upon Us…


…and from that look of satisfaction, it has me very, very frightened.