Riot Volume

Rock ‘n roll and heavy metal concerts are terrible. They have always been terrible and they’re getting worse. They’re so loud you can’t hear anything except a prescribed hours-long barrage of semi-dizzying percussive blasts, which are caused nearly as much by the guitars, bass, and vocals as by the drum set. If a person doesn’t wear ear plugs, his ears are ringing for the next two or three days—perhaps longer. If he does wear ear plugs, everything comes across sounding muffled and unarticulated.


How the hell did it become acceptable practice to wear ear plugs to music performances anyway? Isn’t that the same as strapping on leg braces before going skiing, or ordering non-alcoholic beer at a brewpub? Don’t people go to concerts to experience the music? If the vast majority of people cannot properly experience the music, with or without earplugs, how could they possibly be enjoying themselves?


There are also a lot of sweaty, stinky SOBs at these concerts too… and the tickets can be absurdly overpriced. Here’s a prime example: it costs between $145 and $366 to see a geriatric version of AC/DC icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12. This is a band that hasn’t released a good rock ‘n roll album since around the time John Lennon was assassinated, yet people are willing to blow a car payment and risk a case of tinnitus for one more chance to “hear” classic songs from a bygone era resurrected in a live setting. Crikey!

Docile Expressions of Love, Adoration and Rebellion

This is a drawing made on butcher paper, carefully and conspicuously placed to produce an illusion of graffiti in a town that is nearly without color.

Eviler than Before

I have been learning how to play Magic the Gathering icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 for quite a while now, but sometimes I get distracted by the horrible names on the cards and then have a hard time keeping track of what’s going on in the game. Usually they are just silly—Fleshbag Marauder icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12, Infectious Bloodlust icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12, Macabre Waltz icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 and the like—but every once in a while a card enters your hand that is trying way too hard and doing everything wrong, like the Cruel Sadist card:

Eviler than Before

This is very entertaining to me because they use “sadist” as if it’s a neutral word that requires further categorization; like if you’re a pronounced sadist you could still be invited to join a Christian book club, run your own care center for the elderly, or succeed in adopting a child. Imagine how personal introductions might read if this were true: “Hi, my name is Chad! I am six feet tall, I enjoy listening to music, I play guitar, I like to program computers, and I am a sadist. Would you care to go to a Hawaiian barbecue with me?”

The name also implies that there are different flavors of sadists: “good sadists” and “bad sadists”—or I guess in this case, “kind sadists”. A kind sadist must be a person who brings the victim flowers before running over his dog and smashing his fingers in a car door seventeen times.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like Wizards of the Coast icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 are reaching a bit. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these days they start releasing cards with names like Psychotic Psycho, Badgering Badger, or Mad Madman. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if these cards already exist.

Antiphony, Entry 1: Free Lottery Tickets

I’m not sure if this still works here since I am using ChadPress instead of Facebook, but I guess it can’t hurt to try.  Also, I have included some of my responses in the event that it increases my chances of winning.

THANK YOU, MARK ZUCKERBERG [who?], for your forward-thinking generosity! [What did he do?] And congrats on becoming a dad! [Huh?!]

Mark Zuckerberg [oh right... the Grand Poobah of privacy and productivity erosion] has announced that he is giving away $45 billion [with a "B"?] of Facebook stock. [Hhmmmm... sounds a little fishy to me.] What you may not have heard [no I haven't, must you go on?] is that he plans to give 10% of it away to people like YOU and ME! [Really..? What a dumbass!] All you have to do is copy and paste this message into a post IMMEDIATELY and tag 5-10 of your friends. [Or irritated acquaintances that don't really like you.] At midnight PST, Facebook will search through the day’s posts and award 1000 people with $4.5 million EACH [that's really a lot of money] as a way of saying thank you for making Facebook such a powerful vehicle for connection and philanthropy [and watered down relationships].

I hope someone I know gets a piece of the pie [blueberry or apple?] — let me know if you do!!! [Yeah right, asshole!]

In case you’re wondering what this is about, you can read about it at The Washington Post and many other fine news agencies (that apparently have nothing better to report).