Great Galloping Poultry!

Four Legged Chicken Meme

I hear they stock these chickens in the same grocery store where broccoflower and chocolate-covered potato chips were unveiled.

Information Collisions Caused by the Speed of Life


This misfortunate gentleman clearly does not review his news reports before going on the air.

An Argument for Why Some People Shouldn’t Be Without Medication


I wonder what kind of weapon a person is supposed bring to fight dinosaurs. A rifle? An elephant gun? An extremely large bowie knife?

Aren’t elephant guns as big as they get, and aren’t dinosaurs like 5 thousand times bigger than elephants..?

The Future Leading Cause of Memory Loss in the United States?


This is an early picture from the Internet that made its rounds way back in the day. Apparently, it was also around this time that document scanners were first invented.