Equal Opportunity Offender?

Alec Baldwin pled guilty yesterday to a harassment violation in New York. He was accused of punching a man over a parking dispute. This is funny.

Actor Alec Baldwin leaving a New York City police department as reporters attempt to question him. [Formatted]

As many people know, Mr. Baldwin has gotten a lot of attention in the last couple years for parodying Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 . How perfect would it be if SNL invited Donald Trump to play a boiling-over Alec Baldwin in a skit about his recent NYC parking dispute?

Unfortunately, the producers at NBC and SNL would never in a million years allow something like this to happen, even though it is EXACTLY what they should do.

Wildly Incorrect Autocomplete

Tonight I decided to buy a used computer workstation off eBay! I navigated to the search bar at the top of the web page and, in the extremely short window of time that existed after typing the word “used” and before typing “thinkstation”…

eBay website search bar shows very questionable results for autocomplete when typing in the word "used". [Formatted]

…something went horribly wrong!

WTF is this?!? This is my business eBay account—typically all I order with it are computer parts and computer related equipment. How did we veer onto this path? The only possible explanation is that A LOT of people are searching eBay for used panties.

This is an unsettling idea on its own, but what is going on with some of these other autocomplete recommendations? “Used reborn baby dolls”? “Used pantyhose”? “Used rifle scopes”? “Used tow trucks”? “Used tattoo machine”???

What is a reborn baby doll? That sounds creepy as hell. And used tattoo machines? Judging by the number of shitty tattoos out there, tattooing is more popular than ever so lots of people must be getting into it. A used tattoo gun is certainly going to cost less than a new tattoo gun, in very much the same way as a used toilet seat will cost less than a new one off the shelf at Home Depot.

Buying this computer should have taken me 20 to 30 minutes, but I ended up getting sidetracked for almost two hours. Crazy shit like this makes me wonder about all kinds of things… like how there is a team of software engineers at eBay—each member making six figures a year and having completed somewhere between four and nine years of higher education—ensuring people who are searching for “used panties” have as smooth a shopping experience as possible. This is all because increasingly impatient customers are more likely to get frustrated if they have to type in the entire search term and will happily buy used panties at Amazon instead.

Album Haul, January 2019 Edition

More music to add (and restore) to the ol’ collection. Take a gander at the Portrait of an American Family icon-external-link-12x12 album art—it exemplifies how physical media can form a palpable connection to the music it adorns. “You cannot sedate all the things you hate.” A traditional release of this LP would (should?) absolutely survive in our current digital climate.

Life sucks sometimes, so this is at least the second time I have purchased this fucking album. Hopefully it’s the last time, but I would buy it again if I had to. I also finally picked up Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) icon-external-link-12x12 ; I’m trying to keep the timeline intact here: I only listened to Mechanical Animals icon-external-link-12x12 in its entirety a couple years ago. I hear Mr. Manson lost quite a bit of his thunder as the music industry rocketed into the new millenium sans quality assurance safety belts.

It has been a while since a I have checked to see what Trent Reznor has been up to. Whaddaya know—three Nine Inch Nails icon-external-link-12x12 EPs were waiting for me! Normally I’m not so far behind, but it’s a strange world I live in these days.

Baroness icon-external-link-12x12 and Slipknot icon-external-link-12x12 also contribute to the mix. Never been much of a Slipknot fan, but they are growing on me slowly and surely. All this heavy metal is rounded out by inspirational slide guitar by Sonny Landreth icon-external-link-12x12 and acoustic guitar by Ralph Towner icon-external-link-12x12 , plus 90s Swedish rock from The Cardigans icon-external-link-12x12 .

Nine Inch Nails
→ Not the Actual Events
→ Add Violence
→ Bad Witch

Nine Inch Nails' "Bad Witch" album art. [Formatted]

→ Red Album

Sonny Landreth
→ Elemental Journey

Marilyn Manson
→ Portrait of an American Family
→ Holy Wood

Marilyn Manson's "Portrait of an American Family" album art. [Formatted]

The Cardigans
→ Life

→ All Hope is Gone

Slipknot's "All Hope is Gone" album art. [Formatted]

Ralph Towner
→ Time Line

A Very Godzilla Christmas

Year by year, I find myself making new emotional divestments from Christmas and the winter holidays. Even when I was younger and still felt the Christmas spirit, I always sensed that there is something not quite right with how we collectively behave during this season. So many expectations, yet so many inevitable upsets and shortcomings. So many nonreligious (and religious) people celebrating Jesus’s birthday with ornaments, presents, and deforested fir trees. So much unbridled consumerism: people utterly possessed, shopping the same way as someone who has been wandering through the desert—parched—for days on end and desperate for the smallest sip of water.

My current sentiments towards Christmas developed gradually—that is, I didn’t just wake up one morning and decide that it wasn’t my thing. They started with objective observations in my youth, some of which are mentioned above, and became cemented into place a little more than a decade ago when I had a string of really fucking terrible holiday seasons. I still held on to the traditional ideals though, because abandoning them would be abandoning a way of life that was familiar and that is dear to so many. (I was already well off the beaten path and certainly didn’t need something like this to put me even more out of step with John and Jane Doe.)

Yet, due to the unpredictability of life and circumstances that were beyond my control, I was fighting a battle that I couldn’t win. I didn’t fully understand this, however, and every subsequent Christmas became increasingly grueling. Then suddenly something happened that deftly released me of this burden:

One year, after a party on Christmas Eve that I was obliged to attend, I returned to my place and sat in darkness on the couch trying to process everything that was happening in my life, as it existed then, on the backdrop of yet another Christmas season. It was after midnight, so early Christmas morning. I only wanted to shut my brain off and fall asleep, but couldn’t. I turned on the television and began flipping through the channels. Eventually, I saw that the movie Aliens icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 had just started. “How peculiar,” I thought to myself, “that somebody would play Aliens on Christmas morning.” I sat there for quite a while just staring at the listing on the TV menu before me. The more I thought about it, the more I began to realize that watching Aliens early Christmas morning was somehow exactly the right thing for me to do at that moment. I was up until almost 3:00am giggling at the perfect portions of sci-fi action and violence that were being fed to me through my television screen. By the end of the movie, I could have guiltlessly and gleefully barked at the mythical fat man himself: “Screw you, Santa! Take a hike! And to hell with all your silver bells, candy canes, and asshole reindeer!”

Somehow, in such a ridiculous and absurd moment, I came to feel joy during a time of year that, for me, had become associated with profoundly unpositive feelings: feelings that then compounded and became so much more than just an absence of joy.

Now, even after so much time, I continue to find new benefits from my break with Christmas. For example, I only buy gifts for people when I find something that is genuinely useful, instead of subscribing to the bullshit notion of compulsory gift-giving. Not only does this save me time and money, but it also makes the gesture of giving someone a present more meaningful. A couple of years back, I bought chocolate coffee beans and chocolate almonds for many of my coworkers. Last year, I didn’t buy anybody anything! This year, I gave presents to two people: 1) a Batman Christmas tree ornament for one of my best childhood buds, and 2) a 32″ HDTV and Blu-Ray disc player for my hippie uncle who had never before laid his eyes on a high-definition television signal.

Sometimes I do miss the sweet intoxication of winter holiday cheer and everything that comes with it—eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much—but not for very long. When I visited my uncle on Christmas day, he was eating a Wendy’s hamburger meal and watching the third annual Kaiju Christmas icon-external-link-12x12 , a 96 hour Godzilla marathon from December 23rd through the 26th on the El Rey Network icon-external-link-12x12 . He was already happy, and the new TV and disc player were just a bonus. After all, HD Godzilla holds absolutely no meaning whatsoever (but we did take a break a little later in the day to watch Baby Driver icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 together and he finally got his first dose of modern television fidelity).

Fire-breathing Godzilla wearing a Santa hat and holding a candy cane. [Formatted]

These days, watching Aliens during the holiday season is just one of those things that I always do. It makes me feel good, in a weird way, and helps keep me grounded during a crazy time of the year. And given recent events, I think I’m going to start mixing in some old school Godzilla flicks. I’ve been meaning to watch them anyway and now I have exactly the reason I needed to make it a priority.