This Light is Not My Own

Reflection icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 11 from the Lateralus LP by Tool icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Tool's "Lateralus" album cover. [Formatted]

I have come curiously close to the end
Down beneath my self-indulgent and pitiful hole, I am defeated
I concede and move closer
I may find comfort here
I may find peace within the emptiness
How pitiful

This is killing me

Then in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping, the moon tells me a secret—my confidant
“As full and bright as I am, this light is not my own: a million light-reflections pass over me”

Revealed, the source is bright and endless
She resuscitates the hopeless
Without her we are lifeless satellites, drifting

So as I pull my head out, I am without doubt
I do not want to be down here soothing my narcissism
I must crucify the ego before it is too late
I pray the light lifts me out before I pine away

Crucify the ego before it is too late
Leave behind the place that is negative, blind and cynical
Then you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that is imagined and conceivable

Let the light touch you
Let the words spill through
Let them pass right through
Bringing out Our hope and reason

Before we pine away

Mention Something, Mention Anything

Disposition icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 10 from the Lateralus LP by Tool icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Tool's "Lateralus" album cover. [Formatted]

Mention this to me and watch the weather change

Mention this to me
Mention something
Mention anything

Mention this to me and watch the weather change

To Feel My Moment While Drawing Way Outside the Lines

Lateralus icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 09 from the eponymous LP by Tool icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Tool's "Lateralus" album cover. [Formatted]

Black then white are all I see in my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be
Reaching out to me, it lets me see

As below, so above
Beyond, I imagine, drawing beyond the lines of reason
Push the envelope
Watch it bend

Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind
Withering my intuition
Missing opportunities
I must feed my will to feel my moment while drawing way outside the lines

Black then white are all I see in my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be
Reaching out to me, it lets me see

There is so much more and it beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities

As below, so above
Beyond, I imagine, drawing outside the lines of reason
Push the envelope
Watch it bend

Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind
Withering my intuition
Leaving opportunities behind

Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line

Reaching out to embrace the random
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come

I embrace my desire
To feel the rhythm
To feel connected enough
To step aside and weep like a widow
To feel inspired
To fathom the power
To witness the beauty
To bathe in the fountain
To swing on the spiral of Our divinity and still be a human

With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds
I open wide to suck it in
I feel it move across my skin
I am reaching up and reaching out
I am reaching for the random or whatever will bewilder me
Yes, whatever will bewilder me, following Our will
When we go where no one has been, we will ride the spiral to the end
And we may just go where no one has been

Spiral out
Keep going

There! Beyond the Bounds of Your Weak Imagination

Squonk icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 03 from the A Trick of the Tail LP by Genesis icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )
“Squonk” Song Lyrics icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12

"A Trick of the Tail" album cover, by Genesis [Formatted]

Mad Man Moon icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 04 from the A Trick of the Tail LP )
“Mad Man Moon” Song Lyrics icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12
A Trick of the Tail icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 07 from the A Trick of the Tail LP )
“A Trick of the Tail” Song Lyrics icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12