Candy is Bad for You

It’s Christmas time and people are consuming even more candy than usual. I contributed to the problem today by spending way too much money on candies for some of the sugarmongers in my life: chocolate-covered espresso beans, chocolate-covered almonds, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, chocolate-covered chocolate… chocolate-covered everything!

But let’s be straight: candy is bad for you, and this perhaps becomes more obvious to people when it comes served in a toilet bowl.


It would be nice if I could give these as gifts instead of the chocolates, but this really wouldn’t go over well with most. Eating lots of Christmas-themed candy and chocolates is just a part of the holiday season, and one surefire way to put a damper on any yuletide celebration is to hand somebody a sucker shaped like a plunger.


It’s worth pointing out that these candy-toilets have two holsters on each side, which is an interesting touch. It’s always good to have a spare, I suppose. What will they think of next? Candy cane plungers and chocolate… oh nevermind.

Make Good (and Delicious) Choices


I only drink ethical coffee icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 , because I am a person of high moral integrity, and because Folgers tastes like shit.

Extraordinary Appetites

Say hello to the Waffle-Taco, one of the more recent advancements in the culinary arts. This is sausage and egg folded neatly into a “Leggo my Eggo” waffle:


Ever get tired of eating Seven-Layer Burritos before 10am? Well who doesn’t? As great as refried beans, ground beef and sour cream are right after rolling out of bed, sometimes they’re better saved for the afternoon and evening. Fortunately, Taco Bell has everyone covered with this ante meridiem treat.

Waffle-Tacos are not only delicious, but they are also very affordable. With a price tag of only 45 cents, everyone can partake. Also, if you happen to visit Taco Bell on the right day, customers will receive two servings for the price of one.

People couldn’t decide whether to put taco sauce or syrup on the Waffle-Taco, so the only reasonable solution was to use both. Tasting the unique mixture of waffle, egg, sausage, syrup and taco sauce is guaranteed to redefine the word “breakfast”. What’s even more amazing is that the 14-year-olds working at Taco Bell can somehow prepare one of these in less than 20 seconds.

I know what you’re thinking: “How do I get one of these as soon as possible?” Unfortunately, the Waffle-Taco isn’t available anymore because it was recently replaced by the fast-food chain’s next breakfast marvel: the Biscuit-Taco!


No, the Biscuit-Taco is not just a reimagining of the Waffle-Taco in an attempt to ripoff McDonalds’ Egg McMuffin. There are two very important differences: 01) it is served to customers at a different angle, and 02) the taco shape is supposed to bring out more flavor in the biscuit, eggs and sausage. Another benefit is that you can put taco sauce on it, and this simply is not an option when dining at McDonalds.

What’s next for Taco Bell? Sources say that its latest breakfast invention is a Donut-Burrito: a syrup-glazed cake exterior surrounding double-helpings of eggs and bacon. This is expected to be available shortly after Jack In the Box reveals it’s new Bacon-Wrapped-Bacon Breakfast Bites, or BWBBB for short.

Super-Sized Sinning

My third favorite restaurant, Carl’s Jr., just came out with its next delectable: El Diablo.


You may spend an eternity in hell for eating this hamburger, but it is so delicious that you won’t even care! Only $5.95* and for a limited time only.

To keep Burger King regulars from feeling left out, the company will be releasing its competing meal The Scourge Burger, due for mass consumption sometime this summer. McDonalds is also getting in on the action, but will apparently forgo any references to pestilence and demonology so as not to dissuade the greater population from eating at its restaurants. Word on the street is that the burger will be called the McUlcer, but this is yet to be confirmed.

* One time fee of your soul required.