Word of the Day, Entry 2: Procrastination

     1. obtaining multiple points of knowledge or information that are of nearly equal relevance to a project or work and then waiting until the last minute of a deadline so as to afford the maximum amount of time to effectively determine those points which will produce results of a higher quality;
     2. a psychological condition in which a person consciously observes small but important components of life slip away on a routine basis and, in response, makes attempts to collect and restore as many of these components as possible to emerging moments;
     3. a behavior frequently misattributed to hard workers by less capable people having a limited purview or prone to conniving denigration;
     4. a word that cannot be said on television, especially children’s programming, because it rhymes with another word in the English language. Procrastination occurred all throughout the night until she finally felt something that resembled satisfaction.

Sooner or Later icon-external-link-12x12 (episode from Garfield and Friends icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 by Mark Evanier icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Wade the Duck and Roy the Rooster from the Garfield and Friends episode "Sooner or Later." [Formatted]

Happiness is a Super-Turbo

SKL Arcades & Amusements icon-external-link-12x12 came out today to give my broken down Super-Turbo icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 arcade machine a sorely needed tune-up.

I have wanted an arcade version of Street Fighter II since I was a kid, and have probably checked Craig’s List and eBay listings off and on for more than ten years. I finally broke down and bought one last September from a kind but conflicted gentleman in Sacramento; his girlfriend was making him get rid of it. She had clearly put her foot down in the most convincing of ways—in that special way only a woman is capable of—and he was going to give it to me for an even $1000.

We had a very pleasant visit, but there was a recurring expression of pain in his face as we were talking, and I noticed that he became increasingly unnerved as we approached the transaction-phase of our meeting. This pain was in no ways contrived, and since I am not without empathy, I gave him $1200: an extra $200. This was still a good deal for me, and it took a little bit of the edge off the evening.

I am going to digress for a moment so I can also share that this gentleman had Stephen King novels strewn about the living room, and collectible comic books adorning the walls. This lead me to ask if he was a Stephen King fan and he responded, “I am now.” Understanding his meaning, I then asked a rhetorical question: “Is part of the deal that she also read some of your comic books?” He paused for a moment, his eyes temporarily transforming into windows that revealed the compounded depths of a man’s soul when it reaches this particular crossroad in life and must fumble a decision—no response was given.

At least it was Stephen King and not William Faulkner. He will be okay, and there is a good chance that some of the comic books will survive.

The colors in the cabinet’s CRT monitor were a little bit off, and the screen jiggled from time to time, but it was in excellent shape overall. I also received an additional board for Super Street Fighter II icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12, the previous iteration of the game. About three months ago, the power supply burned out which rendered it unplayable, but a new $40 replacement part installed by a pair of skillful hands from SKL got the game running again in no time. Most of the display issues were also fixed through fairly simple adjustments and recalibrations. The screen-jiggle persists, however, as the monitor PCB will need new capacitors for this to be corrected. This is a relatively minor visual problem and a decent amount of time will be necessary to perform the repair, so it will be a job for another day.

We live in an era of ultra-HD displays, but a healthy and color-rich CRT monitor can still work wonderfully for gaming. I also found out that the cabinet was produced by Data East icon-external-link-12x12 circa 1991 and it likely housed Captain America and the Avengers icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 when it was produced.

The original battery was still in the game board, meaning that it was pushing 24 years in age! This is pretty amazing when considering that these things are supposed to be replaced every five or so years. When the battery fizzles out, the game board fizzles out with it—forever. This bizarre phenomenon is infamous in arcade gaming circles and came to be known as the dreadful suicide battery icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12.

Given the cabinet’s heritage, and the fact that it uses the CPS-2 icon-external-link-12x12 game boards, it might be appropriate for me to pick up a copy of Marvel vs Capcom icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 at some point in the future. CPS-2 uses what are essentially giant cartridges and this allowed a Capcom arcade system to be transformed from one game into another without much difficulty. Other CPS-2 titles include Super Street Fighter II (mentioned above), X-Men: Children of the Atom, Dungeons & Dragons, X-Men vs Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, and the entire Street Fighter Alpha series.

This arcade machine has been and continues to be an instrument of joy—in its previous form (“Avengers assemble!”), in its present form (“Hadoken!), and in any additional forms in-between that have been lost to time.

The Extra Mile to Make You Smile

College students. [Formatted]

Below is a transcript of an online chat session with a student loan support employee at the company Nelnet. According to Wikipedia, Nelnet icon-external-link-12x12 is a “United States-based conglomerate that deals in the administration and repayment of student loans and education financial services… The company provides a range of products through its subsidiaries that include; customer service for student loan borrowers, technology related to student loan customer service, outsourcing services for guaranty agencies, tuition payment plans, education planning, enrollment-related services and higher education planning tools.”

I was inquiring why my monthly auto-debit amounts were suddenly less than $100, an amount at which they had been fixed for an entire year. Somehow the deductions from my checking account began to steadily decline on their own from $100 down to $5.93 over the course of about 14 months, and I only just noticed that something was off earlier today.

The natural result of this is that extra interest was being generated on my account that otherwise would not have existed.

Live Chat
CHAT STARTED AT 12:26PM, 04 Apr 2018.

Chad: I had auto-debit set to $100 a month and this was changed by your system, not by me. For the last year, it has been a random amount every month that keeps getting lower and lower. This shouldn’t have happened. (12:26PM)
DYLLIAN: Thank you for contacting Nelnet. My name is Dyllian. May I please have your first and last name as it appears on your account? (12:27PM)
Chad: Chad Johnson (12:27PM)
DYLLIAN: Thank you. To confirm who I’m chatting with, may I please get your account number? You can locate the number on your online account by selecting ‘Loan Details’ from the menu. Your nine-digit account number will be located on the left and will start with an E, D, or J. (12:28PM)
Chad: EXXXXXXXXX (12:29PM)
DYLLIAN: One moment while I review your account.. (12:33PM)
Chad: OK (12:33PM)
DYLLIAN: Thank you. (12:35PM)
DYLLIAN: Thank you for your patience! Because you are in a income based plan auto debit will not pull the full amount if you are paid ahead. You can manually make payment. (12:39PM)
Chad: Okay, this is very inconvenient for me. (12:40PM)
Chad: I have more than a year’s worth of extra interest that I don’t feel should be there. (12:41PM)
Chad: Is there not any way to lock in a set amount every month? (12:41PM)
Chad: I seem to remember that this option was available in the past. (12:41PM)
Chad: Even when I paid ahead. (12:42PM)
DYLLIAN: I understand, It has always been like this. (12:42PM)
Chad: Was I not paid ahead back when $100 payments were being made automatically every month? (12:44PM)
DYLLIAN: We have not took payment of $100.00 since 01/28/2016, because you made the payment it gradually start advancing due date and we withdraw less and less. You can stop auto debit and manually make the $100.00 payment. (12:48PM)
DYLLIAN: Thanks again for contacting Nelnet. I assume you have no further questions and will disconnect in 2 minutes if I do not receive a response. Should I disconnect and you have further questions, please contact us at 1.888.486.4722 or visit our web site at www.nelnet.com to chat online with an advisor. (12:51PM)
Chad: one moment please (12:51PM)
DYLLIAN: Okay. (12:52PM)
Chad: According to the payment history, my last manual payment was 01/27/2016. (12:54PM)
Chad: Then the account was configured to make $100 withdrawals every month (12:54PM)
Chad: I was paid well in advance by this time, and specifically remember clicking an option on a menu to ensure that a payment was made every month, regardless of how “far ahead” the system considered me to be. (12:56PM)
Chad: Something happened to my account that should not have happened (12:56PM)
Chad: And I am very upset (12:56PM)
Chad: There is extra interest on my account that shouldn’t be there. (12:57PM)
DYLLIAN: My apologizes the last $100.00 payment was 06/28/2016. Our system set up not to take any higher payment if you are on income based plan and you are paid headed. I understand you frustration but this is the way it has always been. (1:00PM)
Chad: But I was already paid ahead by that time. (1:01PM)
Chad: This is what I don’t understand. (1:01PM)
Chad: From my perspective, there was 12 months of automatic payments and then for some reason it changed on 02/28/2017. (1:02PM)
Chad: …and a charge of $99.83 was made instead of the expected $100. (1:03PM)
Chad: Then it steadily declined from there until only a few dollars was being paid every month. (1:03PM)
Chad: For 12 months I was paid well ahead and $100 was being deducted every month. (1:07PM)
DYLLIAN: When you make higher payments it pushes you due date ahead and because you are on a Income Based Plan. Auto debit will not withdraw anything higher amount. Auto debit will withdraw a lesser and less amount. if you don’t want this to happen you can cancel auto debit. (1:07PM)
Chad: If this is true, would you please explain what happened with my payment history? (1:09PM)
Chad: It suggests that what you are saying is not the case. (1:09PM)
DYLLIAN: I don’t understand what you mean explain what happen to your payment history? (1:11PM)
Chad: What I explained earlier: I was paid ahead–I made payments of $432.72 on 12/21/2015 and $596.65 on 01/27/2016. Then I had 12 full months of auto-debit for $100 before it suddenly changed on its own. (1:13PM)
Chad: Please give me concrete information as to how this happened. (1:14PM)
Chad: I do not intend to be troublesome, I’m just trying to point out that it is inconsistent with your previous statements. (1:15PM)
DYLLIAN: How what happened? (1:15PM)
Chad: And I am upset. (1:15PM)
Chad: You asked “How what happened?” I want to know how there was 12 months of auto-debit for $100 after my account was already paid ahead by a considerable amount. (1:16PM)
Chad: Please answer. (1:16PM)
DYLLIAN: When you are on an Income Based Repayment Plan, actively on Auto Debit, and the due date is advanced, auto debit will not withdraw . (1:22PM)
Chad: What advanced the due date? (1:25PM)
Chad: Was I always on an “Income Based Repayment Plan,” or was my account changed automatically? (1:26PM)
DYLLIAN: THis is done at the group level. So some groups may be paid ahead while others are still due that month, but only have a partial amount due. Therefore, AAuto Debit will only draft the minimum due for that month, while the account is in an Income Driven Repayment Plan. (1:26PM)
DYLLIAN: *Auto (1:26PM)
DYLLIAN: Over payments advance the due date. (1:26PM)
Chad: Okay, I understand that over payments advance the due date, but I was already overpaid and $100 was taken from my account for 12 months. (1:27PM)
Chad: According to what you said, that should not have happened. (1:27PM)
Chad: Since I was already paid ahead, why did the auto-debit amount suddenly change on 02/28/2017 to be less than $100? (1:29PM)
Chad: Please answer. (1:29PM)
DYLLIAN: One moment please. I am still reviewing this for you. (1:30PM)
Chad: Thank you. (1:30PM)
DYLLIAN: Your welcome. (1:32PM)
DYLLIAN: The payment still taking out $100.00 is a error, our system is not supposed to do that. We cannot change it to continue to pull the higher amount. (1:37PM)
Chad: Okay, but I specifically remember setting the auto-debit the continue to make withdrawals even when I was “paid ahead”. (1:38PM)
Chad: So at some point in the past your website allowed this. (1:38PM)
Chad: And for a time it was doing what I told it to do. (1:39PM)
Chad: But then it changed suddenly and without notice. (1:39PM)
DYLLIAN: It only allows that if you are on a Standard Plan, is does not allow that when you are on a Income Based Plan, the rule have never changed. (1:40PM)
Chad: Well, there was some sort of error, because it was doing it for me and then stopped suddenly. (1:40PM)
Chad: For how long has my account been an “Income Based Plan?” (1:41PM)
DYLLIAN: I do not have that information. (1:42PM)
Chad: Was it possible that it was changed by accident, or by error? (1:42PM)
Chad: Or intentionally? (1:43PM)
Chad: ..on your end? (1:43PM)
DYLLIAN: We can not change your plan with you apply for a Income Based Plan. (1:43PM)
Chad: Ok, thank you for your time. (1:44PM)
DYLLIAN: Is there anything else I can assist you with today? (1:44PM)
Chad: No, that will be it. (1:45PM)
DYLLIAN: Thank you for contacting Nelnet. We’re here for you when you need us. If you have any questions, please call us at 888.486.4722, visit Nelnet.com. Please email NelnetCustomerSolutions@nelnet.net to let us know if our chat associate went the extra mile to make you smile (1:45PM)

Dyllian has ended the chat
Live Chat by eGain

Also from Wikipedia: “Nelnet holds over $25 billion in student loans as of 2007, roughly one-third of all federally subsidized student loans currently held by students in the United States.”

I wonder how many other former students out there they suckered with this unnamed and apparently inconsequential error (that was somehow still my fault), and how many hundreds of thousands—or possibly millions—of dollars it ended up adding to the company’s bottom line?


Zoomed in picture of a real snowflake, showcasing both its greater symmetrical and lesser asymmetrical aspects. [Formatted]

We are all of us but precious snowflakes in the blizzard that is life.