Video Games

Video Games

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super-mario-64-thumbnailSuper Mario 64 quake-thumbnailQuake pikminPikmin sonic-the-hedgehog-thumbnailSonic the Hedgehog soul-reaver-thumbnailLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver sid-meiers-civilization-thumbnailSid Meier’s Civilization spiral-knights-thumbnailSpiral Knights
final-fantasy-vi-000001-thumbnailFinal Fantasy VI bayonetta-000000-thumbnailBayonetta gunvalkyrie-000001-thumbnailGunValkyrie panzer-dragoon-orta-000000-thumbnailPanzer Dragoon Orta blast-corps-000000-thumbnailBlast Corps donkey-kong-country-tropical-freeze-000001-thumbnailDonkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze final-fantasy-tactics-advance-000001-formattedFinal Fantasy Tactics Advance
simcity-3000-000000-thumbnailSimCity 3000 worms-armageddon-000001-thumbnailWorms Armageddon root-beer-tapper-000000-thumbnailRoot Beer Tapper super-smash-bros-melee-000000-thumbnailSuper Smash Bros. Melee gunstar-heroes-000000-thumbnailGunstar Heroes blaster-master-000000-thumbnailBlaster Master super-metroid-000000-thumbnailSuper Metroid
wizards-and-warriors-000000-thumbnailWizards & Warriors chopper-commando-000000-thumbnailChopper Commando final-fantasy-iv-000000-thumbnailFinal Fantasy IV the-legend-of-zelda-000006-thumbnailThe Legend of Zelda quake-ii-000000-thumbnailQuake II castlevania-ii-simons-quest-000000-thumbnailCastlevania II: Simon’s Quest shadowrun-000000-thumbnailShadowrun
gargoyles-quest-000002-thumbnailGargoyle’s Quest advance-wars-000000-thumbnailAdvance Wars eye-of-the-beholder-000000-thumbnailEye of the Beholder shinobi-000000-formattedShinobi super-monkey-ball-2-000000-thumbnailSuper Monkey Ball 2 zombies-ate-my-neighbors-000005-thumbnailZombies Ate My Neighbors yoshis-island-000002-thumbnailYoshi’s Island
Mega Man X The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim logo [Thumbnail]The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim id Software's "Doom" video game cover. [Thumbnail]DOOM

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Let Me Be with You Until the Stars Align

Come Alive icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (single by Ace Buchannon icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Ace Buchannon's "Come Alive" single artwork.

You’re holding back as they’re calling
A growing whispers in your heart
Awaken dream of silenced moments
But now a light shines through the dark

You’ve been running away and time is fading
I’ll help you free what’s trapped inside
Feeling the rush, you’re moving closer
Take my hand and don’t let go

I wanna feel your heartbeat

Let me see your true colors come alive
Let me be with you until the stars align
Rise above the pain, everything is gonna be alright
Break free from the past with me tonight

Hands closing in, your body is trembling
The neon starlight surrounds you
Open your eyes, a blushing moment
New spark of life is shining through

You’ve been hiding, but you know it’s time to leave the past behind
You’re holding back no more

I wanna feel your heartbeat

Let me see your true colors come alive
Let me be with you until the stars align
Rise above the pain, everything’s gonna be alright
Break free from the past with me tonight

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