Album Haul, November 2018 Edition

A smörgåsbord of bands and artists this time around.

Finally picked up a Butthole Surfers icon-external-link-12x12 album—I’ve been meaning to do that since I saw them on an episode of Beavis and Butt-head icon-external-link-12x12 some time back.

Protest the Hero icon-external-link-12x12 seems to be a pretty solid heavy metal band. On first listen, I was actually reminded of the sonic characteristics of Avenged Sevenfold icon-external-link-12x12, with the major difference being that the music is actually enjoyable to listen to. Too bad the Hot Topic icon-external-link-12x12 era of heavy metal doesn’t have clue what constitutes quality music—just give them lots of skull-imagery, and songs with contrived Halloween-style lyrics and redundant chugging guitar riffs.

Also, major props to Haken icon-external-link-12x12 for working plenty of Gentle Giant icon-external-link-12x12 worship into their songs. The latter is such a criminally overlooked and underappreciated band; the former probably is too.

→ Restoration
→ The Mountain

Haken's "The Mountain" album art. [Formatted]

Animals as Leaders
→ The Joy of Motion

Animals as Leaders' "The Joy of Motion" album art. [Formatted]

Butthole Surfers
→ Independent Worm Saloon

→ Kensington Heights

Protest the Hero
→ Fortress

Protest the Hero's "Fortress" album art. [Formatted]

→ Bullhead

Skinny Puppy
→ VIVIsectIV

Skinny Puppy's "VIVIsectVI" album art. [Formatted]

Michael Manring
→ Thonk

Angel Witch
→ Angel Witch

Steven Wilson
→ To the Bone

Steven Wilson's "To the Bone" album art. [Formatted]

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