Elvis Tattoo On Your Shoulder

Memories icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 12 from the Endless Summer LP by The Midnight icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

The Midnight's "Endless Summer" album cover. [Formatted]

Everything is clear in the rear-view mirror
See the coast highway and the golden hour
There is only love
Nothing was lost

Everything fits when you tell your story
The blurry portraits in the halls of former lovers—they’re gone, but nothing was lost

You’ll always be a part of me
You gave me a song to sing
Dancing in your room innocent and true
Elvis tattoo on your shoulder
We’ll know better when we’re older

You’ll always be a part of me
Some wounds will always sting
Forever in full bloom and barely twenty-two
Summer days are growing colder
We’ll know better when we’re older

All of this was planned when the world was started
The red-blood hearts with the final word that was never said
I’m tossing in my bed

But everything is clear in the rear-view mirror
When nothing is left the lights of evening around us shine
Full pink and silver skies

You’ll always be a part of me
You gave me a song to sing
Dancing in your room innocent and true
Elvis tattoo on your shoulder
We’ll know better when we’re older

You’ll always be a part of me
Some wounds will always sting
Forever in full bloom and barely twenty-two
Summer days are growing colder
We’ll know better when we’re older

Once There Was a Girl Who Thought She Needed to Be Saved…

Devil Make the Deal icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 04 from the Horror Show EP by The Midnight icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

The Midnight's "Horror Show" album cover. [Formatted]

Once there was a man with good intentions and some people at home he forgot to mention
She was looking for a friend and he was willing to listen

Once there was a man with good intentions…

Nobody has to know
It’s all right to let go
And nobody has to see that what’s between you and me is you and me

Once there was a girl who thought she needed to be saved by a white knight on a white horse in a white cape
And maybe he’s taken, but you’ll take him anyway

Once there was a girl who thought shе needed to be saved…

Nobody has to know
It’s all right to lеt go
And nobody has to see that what’s between you and me is you and me

I don’t wanna change your mind
I don’t wanna go home tonight
Tell me no or I’m coming over
Let the devil make a deal with the angel on your shoulder

[Cue sexy guitar solo]

Hold that Bloodied Head Up High

Good in Red icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 05 from the Horror Show EP by The Midnight icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

The Midnight's "Horror Show" album cover. [Formatted]

Called a curse in the cradle, with a loving mother but unstable
Daddy is gone
Under the table
But you found a song in your heart
So you learned how to fight, how to starve, how to survive
When the others blocked your light you learned to see beyond the stars

The curse of small desires is easily acquired
It’s time to set your gasoline heart on fire

Kill your demons—kill them dead
In your mirror
In your bed
In your heart
In your head
Don’t you look good in red?

Slay your devils—kill them all
Take your throne
Paint the walls
And if you make it out alive, hold that bloodied head up high

Don’t you look good in red?

Is there more beyond those plains?
You cut your hair and changed your name
Left a note as you escaped: “To thine own self be true”
But there was no gold in those hills—no platinum in those pretty pills
Just werewolves tossing dollar bills and the wine-dark sea of Malibu

The curse of small desires is easily acquired
It’s time to set your gasoline heart on fire

Kill your demons—kill them dead
In your mirror
In your bed
In your heart
In your head
Don’t you look good in red?

Slay your devils—kill them all
Take your throne
Paint the walls
And if you make it out alive, hold that bloodied head up high

Don’t you look good in red?

No one is coming to save you
Swing the sword you made with the pain they gave you like that pain is gonna save you

Kill your demons—kill them dead
In your mirror
In your bed
In your heart
In your head
Don’t you look good in red?

Slay your devils—kill them all
Take your throne
Paint the walls
And if you make it out alive, hold that bloodied head up high

I Am Reaching, Are You Reaching Out?

America Online icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 02 from the Monsters LP by The Midnight icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

"Monsters" LP by The Midnight. [Formatted]

If I love you, will you love me?
If I want you, will you want me?
I am reaching, are you reaching out?
If I touch you, will you touch me now?

Through the wires to the heart
Phantom fingers fumble in the dark
I thought I did–yes, I felt a spark

Are we all one beating heart?

If I love you, will you love me?
If I hurt you, will you hurt me?
I am reaching, are you reaching out?
If I touch you, will you touch me now?

Through the wires to the heart
Phantom fingers fumble in the dark
I thought I did–yes, I felt a spark
Are we all one beating heart?

Are we all one beating heart?
Or are we strangers?

Am I a stranger?

Are we all one beating heart?