Who? What? When? Where? Why? (and Sometimes “How?”)

If you ever want to have good, clean fun with the enthusiastic pot-smoker(s) in your life, sneak away his smartphone when he is off taking a massive bong rip and set the alarm to 4:20am. Sort of like this:

Cell phone screenshot displaying the alarm app set to ring Monday morning at 04:20. [Formatted]

Odds are good he won’t notice you made this change and will be jolted out of bed on Monday morning well before the sun rises.

Also, I would have liked to configure a pop-up message that appears as the alarm is going off that says “Wake up!!! It’s 4:20am Monday morning, dude! The early bird gets the worm! The party starts with you! Time to smoke some green!!!!” Unfortunately, this particular app doesn’t have that feature implemented yet (but I filed a suggestion with the developers).

On a related note, isn’t it funny how the only thing pot-smokers never forget to do is smoke more pot? The rest of us just have to struggle to remember as many things as we possibly can, and dart in increasingly-random mental directions as we attempt to hold on to important memories and life details that are in the process of being further displaced, lost, or forgotten.

(NOTE: This post was written after drinking 3ea Obsidian Stout beers, produced by Deschutes Brewery icon-external-link-12x12 in the US state of Proper Oregon.)