(Don’t) Be Evil

I’m thinking about starting my own company and calling it the Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear Corporation. The mascot will be a bear named Bert (AKA Fuzzy Wuzzy) and he will sport a healthy, benignly charismatic grin on his Disney-approved face. We will take hundreds of pictures of Bert with underprivileged school-children and strategically share them with our customers, most of whom would not think of themselves as customers because they never pay a shiny copper penny for anything that we offer. Bert will serve an instrumental role in our exceptionally sophisticated and equally clever business maneuverings where we give everything away for free and somehow make billions of dollars in profits every quarter.


While any normal person would be inclined to call this plan “half-baked”, my fellow investors and I know it will not only succeed, but that others will be eating double helpings of crow for the decades to come.

Truth in Advertising..?

I wish that I was making this up, but YouTube has been serving an almost exclusive mixture of Geek Dating icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 and Metalhead Dating icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 advertisements as of late. How does it know? Also, who in the world would have guessed that online metalhead dating could become a viable enterprise?

In typical Interweb fashion, these advertisements made their way to me by following a peculiar trail of digital breadcrumbs: I was watching a fan-made video for the Deftones song Rivière that happens to steal all of its footage from a video for the song Fantasy by Breakbot.

Fantasy icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 (track 02 from the By Your Side LP by Breakbot icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )
Rivière icon-external-link-12x12 (track 11 from the Saturday Night Wrist LP by Deftones icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 )

Regarding the metalhead dating website, I would love to crack into that database for a few hours. Just imagine the hoots and hollers that are to be had.

The Fantabulous Interweb

I just noticed that the domain pms.xxx is available. Rest assured that I was using a very different source name during my initial inquiries.

Sorry folks… Internet acronyms definitely aren’t as valuable as they used to be. Only $99.00 at GoDaddy.com. What a bargain.

Can’t wait to see who will be the lucky taker!

ChadSpace is Live

So the main parts of the site are all in place.  Here is my solution to the social networking dilemma, although I think most people are enjoying themselves so much with Facebook and MySpace that it would be impossible for them to view those “services” as anything remotely resembling any kind of problem.

There is not much more for me to add to the site.  I may upload scans of my exams from the last few years when I have the equipment to do so.  Also, I will try to include anything else that helps communicate the staggering and frequently unreasonable amount of work that goes along with studying Engineering and Computer Science through conventional channels.  Pages for additional classes will be added as they are completed and new academic experiences will be shared when I deem it appropriate, or even necessary, to do so.

This is now my official presence on the web, which automatically makes it one of the more important websites you will ever visit in your life.  I should also add that if something does not appear here or if it’s not somehow endorsed by this site, then chances are pretty good that it’s not me!