Humorous Flaws in Futuristic Imagery

Chrono Trigger icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 is considered to be one of the best video games of the 90s. It’s a role-playing game (RPG) made by the same company that produced the incredibly popular Final Fantasy icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 franchise. The goal of the game, in a nutshell, is to travel through time and alter the course of history to prevent cataclysm. The player visits many different versions of the Earth as he or she leaps from one epoch to another, including a post-apocalyptic world where people are forced to live in cities surrounded by protective bubbles.


These bubbles are presumably to create pockets of habitation on a planet that is so ruined it can no longer sustain life. Clearly, things aren’t going so well: it’s the type of scene that suggests everyone consumes double-helpings of soylent green icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Before the calamity that would destroy the planet, people lived in a verdant paradise, where the oceans glistened in their azure purity and the mountaintops towered vigilantly over the land. Posterity seemed ensured.


Yet there was something very unusual about the people of this land: in the futuristic society that existed immediately before the destruction of the planet, everyone chose to isolate themselves from nature and erect protective bubbles around their highly pollutant cities.


It is impossible not to be vexed by the peculiar sense of priority these people placed on nature. In fact, this exemplifies a particularly extreme form of environmentalism that is very rarely practiced with any degree of success: where humans resolve to endure their own waste. The people of Chrono Trigger were progressive indeed—so much so that they were going to destroy themselves before they allowed their actions to hurt the planet. It’s truly a stroke of bad luck that the alien parasite Lavos, who unceremoniously crash-landed in the year 65,000,000 B.C., was about to emerge and lay waste to the land.

Game Accessibility at GDC 2016




First Attempts at Level Design

One of the great things about the game Quake icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12 was that it unleashed the inner game developer in all of us. Sometimes this was a good thing, and sometimes it wasn’t, but the technologies it made available to the world led to an explosion of user-generated content for a game that was already engrossing.

I was a little late to the party, but ended up releasing two maps after getting my hands on a nifty level editor called WorldCraft. These were smaller maps—usually one or two rooms—designed for a special one-on-one game mode called Rocket Arena icon-external-link-12x12 icon-search-12x12. My initial release was called All Along the Watchtower and it turned out to be a respectable first effort. The followup was called Storage Facility and it was one of the better Rocket Arena maps of the time.

All Along the Watchtower
Rocket Arena map for Quake

Storage Facility
Rocket Arena map for Quake

My third and final map for Quake came some time later: one weekend, a couple years after I finished Storage Facility, I got a fierce itch to make something and WorldCraft and Quake ended up being the best outlet for this creative energy. The result was a map called Generator Room, which is a really tidy level with a good environment for dueling. Unfortunately, Quake was old news at this point, so there weren’t very many people who got to play it.

Generator Room
Rocket Arena map for Quake

These three Rocket Arena maps are relics of the past yet they hold up quite well for people who still enjoy a round of multiplayer Quake from time to time. I wouldn’t want to have to use them as the centerpiece of a résumé, but they are worth sharing nonetheless.

Arguing with 11-Year-Olds

Antisocial Behavior in Games: How Can Game Design Help? icon-external-link-12x12

Before online gaming, grown men did not have a safe environment in which they could rage incoherently at preteens; by that same token, preteens were unable to safely provoke unscrupulous adults for personal amusement.